The best Vacation Rental and Vacation Homes, Cabin and Villa Rentals by Owner
Disclaimer - Please Read Carefully

Access Vacation Rentals has NO responsibility for any of the information presented by the vacation property owners. You assume all liability for use of any information on our pages. Access Vacation Rentals is not responsible for the accuracy or content of the information provided by the owner.

Access Vacation Rentals will verify that offensive language and content is not used on this site and we do check the pages as they are posted however, we do not guarantee that some offensive material may slip through. The accuracy of the information posted by the owners is their responsibility and not ours. Likewise, it is the responsibility of the owner or their agent to qualify the prospective renter.

If we are unable to provide the contracted level of service for any reason, including, but not limited to service outages, global conflict, wondrous acts of God or negligence, neither Access Vacation Rentals nor it's owners can be held liable.

By using or continuing to use the services of Access Vacation Rentals, you agree to the terms and conditions of this disclaimer.

Complaints From Renters

Access Vacation Rentals reserves the right to cancel any membership. In most cases, this would only occur if complaints are received from property renters, however, Access Vacation Rentals reserves the right to cancel any membership at its sole discretion and for any reason. Property owners - please be a accurate as possible in describing your vacation homes, condominiums, villas, or whatnot. Misrepresentation of your holiday/vacation rental property can only hurt your business, especially if you are renting your real estate for the long term. Many of the property owners currently listing properties on Access Vacation Rentals or our affiliate sites have repeat customers that can use their property year after year. These relationships are based on sound business practices initiated by the owner the first time the renter procured their property. Since advertising is deeply rooted in embellishment, please take time and be as accurate as possible.

By using or continuing to use our services you agree to the terms and conditions of this disclaimer.

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